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People are concerned about being harrassed by a salesman if they contact an insurance agent or planner.  Our promise to you is to provide the information you request, then if you desire we will schedule a visit so you can know us better and we can know you better.  If the feeling is mutual we will help you in any way that we can, and if there is nothing we can do to help you, then we will tell you up front as we hope you will do the same.  Your and our time is valuable and mutual respect is essential.  So, please feel free to contact us with any questions.  Unlike many professionals, we do not charge by the hour or request a fee for our services.  We are paid for the companies and institutions we work with.

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The home office of Windsor Financial Services LLC is in Ivins, Utah, however all meetings are by appointment and will be at the location that is the most comfortable for you.  I do the old fasion house calls or I'll meet you at a starbucks near your home or work, or I do video conferencing by Zoom if preferred.  Call or e-mail for an appointment.  (425)445-5490 or